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Our commitments to Associations


Our Association Support

Bobbies is like a tightly-knit family that is growing every year. Our motto is: humans come first. It is important to us to share our values and luck, this is why supporting associations has been one of our core preoccupations since we started. Protecting children in danger, supporting populations in need… our partners’ actions are based on helping people in distress.

Bobbies organizes two charity sales a year. The principle? An online sale of models from past seasons for which all the profits are given to our partner associations. Over the years, we have supported the Grandir Ailleurs, PSE - Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, Beit el Baraka, ACTED, Le Fonds Arménien de France, Les Blouses Roses et Toutes à l’École associations. Discover more below about each of these associations.

Over the years, we have given 82,295€ to our partner associations.

Since October 2019, we have also made a commitment to the A Tree for You association by inviting our clients, when they place their order, to make a donation to support tree-planting projects. Bobbies then matches the amount of each donation received.

As of today, we have given them 82,295€ meaning that over 10,000 trees have been planted around the world.

Grandir Ailleurs

Grandir Ailleurs develops programs to help street children in Madagascar.

Support & Protection

Disaffected street children are often orphans or come from violent homes. The association's challenge is to insure their fundamental rights: the right to protection and non-discrimation, the right to be fed, sheltered, cared for, educated and even the right to have leisure activities.


Besides projects to build and renovate schools, educative activites are set up in the most disadventaged neighborhoods in Madagascar plus children benefit from social aid to help them renew contacts with their families.


Each night the temporary housing shelter in Antsirabe welcomes children from ages 8 to 16 and each day the mobile assistance team does nighttime cruises to find, feed and offer children medical and psychological services.


PSE - Pour un Sourire d'Enfant

The association's mission is to get children out of extreme misery and help them find a qualified trade by taking care of their needs and providing educational programs ranging from early childhood to professional training.

Access to education

Enrollment in public schools, remedial classes at the PSE's own school and welcoming children with handicaps: the association cares for over 6,500 students from extremely poor families.

Professional training

Thanks to excellent parterships and professional training focused on practical trades, every student will find a qualified job.

Food and care

The association sets up daily meals, personalized medical follow-up, a psychology unit and maternel and child health services.

Protection and lodging

Many special programs were created to guarantee the security of the children most exposed to danger: boarding schools, foster families and summer camps.

Support for families

Distribution of rice, sewing workshops, short trainings in various trades: the association undertakes actions to let families be more autonomous and have a better quality of life.


Beit el Baraka

Beit el Baraka is a charity association based in Lebanon whose mission is to help Lebanese retirees and children with financial difficulties.

Committed to guaranteeing the values of respect, support and dignity, this organization offers four services:

  • Healthy diet

  • Decent livelihood

  • Medical services

  • Education

Since August 4, 2020, this NGO has renovated over 3,000 damaged lodgings and supported populations who have been impoverished and weakened by the economic, financial and health crises that have hit the country. The association is strongly involved in supporting education, today it pays the tuition of 32,000 students whose parents cannot afford it.



A major player in the emergency response in Ukraine and present on the ground since 2015 to support victims of the Donbass conflict, ACTED has set up support operations for 300,000 people affected by the conflict since February 2022.

Support for people in war zones

ACTED supplies first aid to 13 million people blocked in besieged or partially-besieged zones: distributing hot means, drinking water, non-food products, hygiene kits, products for babies ... and transfers cash to zones with functioning markets.

Support for displaced people within Ukrain's borders

7.2 million people have been displaced in Ukraine, mostly women, children and the elderly with nofinancial resources. ACTED helps them by transferring cash, providing services in shelters and also workds with local authorities to reinforce their ability to plan and manage evacuations.

Support for people who have taken refuge in neighboring countries

5.1 million people fleeing the conflict have taken refuge in neighboring countries. ACTED helps manage shelters and transport services for refugees from when they cross the Ukrainian border to when they arrive at the shelters, distributes meals and facilitates access to water, hygiene and saniation operations.


A Tree for You

Since 2017, A Tree for You promotes trees in all territories to preserve and improve our environment, develop employment and quality of life but also to encourage social links by transmitting a living, sustrainable, symbolic heritage.

It lets individuals and companies support planting projects in France and elsewhere around the world. A Tree for You chooses its projects with the help of a selection committee made up of experts and it workds in the field with experienced planting partners.

Since October 2019, we have been committed to the association by inviting our clients to make a donation to the tree-planting projects when they place their order. Bobbies matches the amount of each donation collected.

As of this day we have donated 82,295 € meaning over 10,000 trees planted around the world.


Fonds Arménien de France

Established in 1993, the Armenian Fund of France’s mission is to build and renovate essential infrastructures for the socio-economic development of Armenia and Karabakh: electricity grids, pipes, roads, bridges, social housing, schools and hospitals. The Armenian Hayastan Fund also collects donations to give food pensions to Armenian and Karabakhian orphans - there were over 8,000 after the war.

The Armenian Hayastan Fund actively participated in building and rehabilitating housing, schools, hospitals and infrastructures all over Armenia, especially in the northern regions of Shirak and Lori, damaged during the December 7, 1988 earthquake.

In contrast with Armenia, Karabakh does not benefit from any international fund aid. However the war affected almost every village and city there. As soon as the war was over in May 1994, the Armenian Hayastan Fund decided to put 2/3 of its investments in this region to let it heal its wounds and develop.

The Armenian Fund’s projects are handled by local companies and also try, through this undertaking, to create jobs. Supporting local populations, developing agricultural programs, doing professional trainings, teaching and overseeing sanitary projects: discover the actions and projects more in detail at Fonds Arménien de France.


Les blouses roses

For 79 years, the Blouses Roses have been mobilized for hospitalized children, adults and the handicapped as well as elderly people in nursing homes.

Present in 347 cities, the 4,500 volunteers distract, comfort, listen to and bring joy to the everyday lives of people who need constant care and are alone by offering playful, fun activities. In hospitals or nursing homes, Les Blouses Rose has become synonymous with joy and life for the sick and the aged. Our mission: offer light moments so these people can have a break from their sickness or loneliness.

Acknowledged for its general usefulness since 1967, the association is known and reputed for its seriousness and quality interventions in the care establishments where it is present. The donations collected are used to acquire the equipment needed for interventions, recruit new volunteers and train them.


Toutes à l'école

The mission of the Toutes à l’Ecole association, founded by journalist Tina Kieffer in 2005, is to save the most impoverished little girls in Cambodia through education so they will grow up to be free, educated women able to defend themselves against prostitution and be able to build a more just, humane world that is more respectful of our planet.

Each year, 100 5 and 6-year-old girls from the poorest families enter the nursery school of the Happy Chandara campus in the suburbs of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. They then have the opportunity to pursue a high-level curriculum taught in Khmer, English and French through primary, middle and high school.

The association’s action go on as the young graduates continue their studies. They are housed in two Chandara Student Home hostels in Phnom Penh where they can build an autonomous adult life in a secure environment.

The Happy Chandara campus also has a medical-social center, two boarding schools, a permaculture center and helps families OR impoverished families as well.

Discover the campus in a video


Thank you for your ever-increasing donations !